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For sustainable products in a Circular Economy

The first World Circular Economy Forum

WCEF Helsinki, 5-7 June 2017

The first World Circular Economy Forum in Helsinki was an invitation-only event for 1,500 participants from 90 countries.  It demonstrated the commitment to repositioning policies so as to enable a circular economy. We met with OECD, WEF, UNEP, IRP, WBCSD and others to promote remanufacturing as a key component in the circular economy.  Nabil Nasr from RIT offered comments on the REMADE study underway in the USA, but it was clear too that more voices are needed to represent the various interests of remanufacturers. Apple’s presentation of their LIAM disassembly robot was a high point.  The event proved successful and a second will be held in 2018, with an expected return to Helsinki in 2019.

European Remanufacturing Council srl
37 Square de Meeûs - 4th floor
1000 Brussels
+32 (0)2 791 7667

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The European Remanufacturing Network (ERN) project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 645984.

The project was so successful that in January 2017 it was decided to create a European Remanufacturing Council funded by business membership subscriptions.

The ERN project (and the creation of a European Remanufacturing Council) was inspired by the earlier work of the Remanufacturing Industries Council in the USA.