Oakdene Hollins takes a leading role in a G7 workshop on Value Retention
The G7 meets in Montreal on 21 and 22 June 2018, and we will be taking a leading role in a workshop on “Value Retention”.
The Group of Seven (G7) is an informal bloc of industrialized democracies—Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, and the United States that meets annually. It brings together international experts on themes that shape future policy direction. Our associate David Parker will be in Montreal to speak on the work of the European Remanufacturing Council and hopes to use the occasion to reinforce links with the Remanufacturing Industries Council (RIC) whose work has been an inspiration.
Nabil Nasr will be presenting on the latest developments in the report he is drafting for the International Resources Panel. The IRP report will present evidence on why we need to direct policy more toward product life extension and durability whilst placing much less emphasis on meeting ever-higher material recycling goals. We consider this change in direction to be of great importance in preparing the ground for new business opportunities.
We will be reporting back from this event...
European Remanufacturing Council srl
37 Square de Meeûs - 4th floor
1000 Brussels
+32 (0)2 791 7667
The European Remanufacturing Network (ERN) project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 645984.
The project was so successful that in January 2017 it was decided to create a European Remanufacturing Council funded by business membership subscriptions.
The ERN project (and the creation of a European Remanufacturing Council) was inspired by the earlier work of the Remanufacturing Industries Council in the USA.