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For sustainable products in a Circular Economy

European Remanufacturing Council accorded ‘Affiliate’ status with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Remanufacturing back on the agenda at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation

We are delighted to confirm that following a meeting with Gerard Naber during the CE100 meeting near Dusseldorf last week, the European Remanufacturing Council now holds ‘Affiliate’ status with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.  Member companies Michelin and Lexmark worked with us to put remanufacturing firmly back on the agenda at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation by promoting two new projects – one on the valuation of inventory for remanufacturing and a second on the economic challenge from single use disposable products.

Read the Director's short briefing note on other themes discussed at the meeting.

European Remanufacturing Council accorded ‘Affiliate’ status with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation

European Remanufacturing Council srl
37 Square de Meeûs - 4th floor
1000 Brussels
+32 (0)2 791 7667

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The European Remanufacturing Network (ERN) project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 645984.

The project was so successful that in January 2017 it was decided to create a European Remanufacturing Council funded by business membership subscriptions.

The ERN project (and the creation of a European Remanufacturing Council) was inspired by the earlier work of the Remanufacturing Industries Council in the USA.